The Gospel of Judas
Was intrigued by the National Geographic special about the Gospel of Judas. It was a two-hour show about how the 1,700-year-old codex was found (and sold and stolen and finally restored). For more on the show, check out the National Geographic website. You can also read a story about it in this New York Times link.
Just some interesting points that I got from the show:
- It is illegal in Germany to name your child "Judas."
- The portrayal of Judas may have indirectly contributed to anti-Semitism throughout the centuries.
- Judas becomes increasingly evil from the earliest gospel (Mark) to the latest (John, where he is pretty much portrayed as Evil personified).
- Judas is shown as a sort-of hero in the gospel of Judas. While the author/s of the gospel is/are unknown, it is likely that the origin of the text is the gnostics. The gnostics believed that the spirit is imprisoned by the body, and that death releases one's spirit. Thus, Jesus' death was seen as a good thing, and Judas' "betrayal" was crucial as it liberated Jesus from his "prison." The text also portrays Judas as the disciple closest to Jesus, in fact instructed by Jesus to sell his master out--so Judas was merely doing what he was told.
- The text is more of a narrative, rather than an account of the historical Jesus or the historical Judas.
- More than anything, the gospel of Judas shows that there wasn't a single unified form of Christianity in the first hundred years after Jesus' resurrection.
The dork in me has so many questions and such a desire to understand, not completely (because I'm not conceited enough to think that's actually possible), but at least a little more. The rest I leave to faith.
For similar interesting shows, tune in to National Geographic's Secret Bible Week from April 30 to May 6.
At 8:51 AM ,
Leah said...
i sooo wanted to watch this but alas we don't have cable... oh the injustice... ;)
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